Help your baby to sleep through the night and take long, restorative and predictable naps in just a few days…

All without leaving them to cry it out or spending weeks camped on their bedroom floor.

As a certified infant and toddler sleep expert and mum of 2, I guarantee results* with my completely personalised, transformational 1:1 sleep coaching service.

*Assuming all advice is followed as instructed

As featured in

Do you want to get back to enjoying your baby, and get rid of that night-time dread? Do independent naps feel like an unrealistic fantasy?

Do any of these resonate with you?

  • Multiple wakings every night leaving you too tired to function

  • Short, unpredictable naps meaning no one’s getting the rest they need

  • Feeding to sleep becoming too much pressure on you

  • Unwanted co sleeping affecting your relationship

  • Early wakings killing your get-up-and-go

  • Sleep deprivation making you teary, snappy and resentful

  • Long bedtime battles leaving you feeling defeated

  • A toddler who won’t stay in bed, no matter what you try

If you’re nodding your head, NOW is the time to book your call.

I’m Charleigh, founder of The Simple Sleep Company and as a certified infant and toddler sleep expert, I help families like yours create routines that work for them.

I don’t believe in the cry it out method, and am one of a handful of sleep consultants worldwide who are trained to use the highly effective and responsive Comforting Through Change™ method to achieve better sleep in just a few days.

As a parent myself, I know that quality sleep is essential, not just for your little ones but for you as well.

Book your 15 minute consultation to let me show you how I can change your life, by creating a routine that will transform your life long term, in a matter of days.

Please note, I release slots weekly and limit numbers to ensure that you and your family receive the best, most supportive service possible, so book your call now to see how I can help you get the rest you deserve.

“You are a wizard or something. Delilah slept for 4 hours straight last night and just had an hour’s nap!”

— A once tired mum, Holly

Baby Delilah had been rocked, fed and sang to sleep up to every 45 minutes overnight before Holly started their plan with me. On night 3 Delilah did her longest stretch of sleep EVER, and the next morning she settled herself for a lovely nap in her cot. Before this, Delilah had only ever slept in her cot for a maximum of 2 hours and was held for most of her naps, which was putting a real strain on this lovely family.

In 3 days time, it could be YOU sending me a message just like this one, and you could start seeing significant improvements in your little one’s sleep from day 1. If that can happen on day 3, imagine what your life could look like in 3 weeks!

What will you get with my transformational 1:1 service?

  • A personalised consultation with me, a certified infant sleep expert

  • Full detailed analysis and review of your child’s current day and night routines over 3-4 days

  • Identification of existing problems and detailed explanation of how to resolve them

  • A completely bespoke sleep plan tailored to your family, detailing exactly how to reach your sleep goals in a way that works for YOU

  • 4 whole weeks of expert support to guide you through your plan and offer reassurance and encouragement as well as answer any questions you have for the duration

What will your life look like after working with me?

By the end of your 4 week service, assuming your follow my advice, you can expect to achieve:

. A well rested baby or toddler who is HAPPIER, BETTER RESTED, and feeds/eats more efficiently

. LONGER, MORE CONSISTENT NAPS, without being stuck at home all day or being stuck to a rigid schedule

. Evenings of PEACE AND QUIET to yourself again

. More QUALITY TIME with your partner, meaning less bickering and resentment

. You can FULLY ENJOY YOUR LITTLE ONE and the precious time you spend with them, instead of wishing for space or . time to yourself

. Look forward to bedtimes and STOP DREADING NIGHTS

. Confidence to let your partner or parents do bedtime while you GO OUT AND ENJOY YOURSELF!

If this all sounds unachievable, or you feel like you’ve tried everything so it won’t work for you, I promise you it is possible and completely achievable in just a few weeks, no matter what hasn’t worked before!

Now ask yourself, how would it feel to get evenings to yourself, have the energy to play, and the confidence to handle future sleep changes with ease?

Although I truly believe that you can’t put a price on proper rest for your body and mind (I know first hand how essential it is for all aspects of your life and wellbeing), you can have it all for just £299.

Considering there are untrained and inexperienced sleep consultants charging in excess of £400 for just 2 weeks of support, I truly believe that my 4 week 1:1 service is exceptional value for the level of knowledge, support and guarantee of outcome that I provide. Can you afford to keep running on empty?

Get in touch now to see if we’re a good fit for one another and prepare to be blown away by the changes we will make to your little one’s sleep in just a matter of days.

More about me

I’m Charleigh. 2 years ago I was a first time mum to a delicious baby boy who for all his loveliness, wouldn’t and couldn’t sleep without me. He was in my arms for every nap in the day, slept in our bed every night, and fed to sleep always. When we came out of the newborn period, I was ready to get back a little bit of the personal space that I’d so willingly given up to hold my little bundle all the time, but to my frustration, my baby boy still wouldn’t sleep anywhere but on me. I felt touched-out, overstimulated and alone in my struggle, not to mention how uncomfortable it is to sleep in the same position all the time!

I scoured the depths of Google for a solution and felt utterly overwhelmed with the amount of conflicting information out there (and utter despair at how easy everyone was making it sound). I tried rocking instead of feeding, patting, pacing, just leaving him to see what he would do - none of it got him to sleep in his cot. After 2 months of feeling desperately guilty that I didn’t instinctively know how to give my little boy the sleep he needed, I decided to spend the last of my pitiful maternity pay on hiring a sleep consultant.

In less than 3 days my little boy was sleeping in his own room, drifting off by himself and only waking for 2 feeds a night. He had long and predictable naps and when we finished working with the consultant, I was confident that I knew my baby inside out and was able to support him much better than I had been before. To this day it’s the best money I’ve ever spent - it completely transformed my life and that’s why I want to give other families the same transformation.

Since then I’ve navigated the many ups and downs of toddlerhood, welcomed another baby boy into the world who brought his own sleep ups and downs, and trained as a sleep consultant so that I can help other struggling families to transform their lives through sleep.

Book a call to see how I can help transform your life with my 1:1 service.

“It’s completely changed my mood around bedtime”

“She’s napping better and sleeps longer at night… I honestly don’t know how I would be functioning without your help”